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Submit Your URL to 1,500 search engines and directories !

  • Professional registration to thousands of engines and links: A must for any serious  site !
  • Get professional results to complete your online promotion.  It's never been so easy or inexpensive to advertise! 

  • You will tremendously multiply your Internet presence with this plan which automatically submits your entire site to over 1,500 search engines and link directories including all the major search engines !

  • Includes submission success report.

The WebTechCenter Guarantee:

Your web site address (URL) will be submitted to over 1,500 sites and successfully submitted to at least 1000+ of these web sites. WebTechCenter guarantees this will include the top 10 companies as deemed by WebTechCenter, AltaVista, Excite, HotBotNorthernLight, InfoSeek, Lycos, AOL NetFind, MSN, WebCrawler and Yahoo.  Top 10 guarantee cannot include failures caused by a customers domain or web page (i.e. incorrect web site address)   Some Search Engines limit the number of "FREE" domains they index (i.e.  In this case IMCS-Niemeyer Consulting Services cannot be held responsible for failed registration, however failure to register your web site with any less than 1000+ advertising sites will result in a free re-registration or refund. You will receive a log report within 3 days that will confirm your results.


General Search Engine Tips:

1. Pick your key words and use them in your Title, Description, text and Meta Tag. DO NOT over use them! Key word repeating will cause Search Engines to disregard your page.

2. Getting other web sites to link to your web site can increase your search engine ranking with several major search engines. By submitting your web site with WebTechCenter your are receiving over 1000+ links from other web sites to your web site automatically!  Submit monthly to maintain all links.

3. Submit monthly to stay current. Search engines cull, update and arrange their databases periodically. Classified ads, link pages, and FFA sites rotate links frequently.  We recommend monthly submission to stay listed and in good position.

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May 28, 2000